A Manuscript

By Norman R. Franzen, Ph.D.

I hope that these Pilgrim Skeptic Dialogues will deliver a special gift to the reader, namely, a clear vision as to how the creation of the world happened. How the ground under our feet and the atoms that make up our bodies have arisen. A great surprise to scientists is the discovery that the laws that govern this unfolding of nature have a very special and unexpected character. Namely, that they are subtly “finely-tuned” to make life possible. It turns out that if these laws are changed ever so slightly, we could not exist.


To read the “Preface” click below

About the Author

Mr. Franzen was initially trained as a research mathematician. After teaching in academia for a decade, he transitioned into industry at a time when computers were beginning to play a major part in the design process. He employed computer technology in several areas of applied science, namely, microwave measurement systems, quadrupole electron optical systems, and digital compression of television data streams.

Even though being successful in each the above endeavors, the author’s true love was in foundational questions in philosophy and religion. Questions of cosmic origins and “The Nature of Man” were his principal interests. Mathematics opens the door to theoretical physics, both Quantum Mechanics and Relativist Cosmology. A life changing experience was reading the first edition of, “The Molecular Biology of the Cell”, (1173p), by J D Watson and friends. This together with books by Paul Davies and other led to an in-depth study of the broad subject of, “The Finely Tuned Universe”. The Dialogue is a result of this lengthy investigation.

The author is surprised that a powerful argument for, a deity, an intelligence, at the foundation of the world, can be based solely on well established science. This was totally unexpected.

Norm is enjoying retirement. His family consists of spouse, Jan, and three children, Kari, Robin and David, all living in the Portland area.